There is power in the spirit.
There are two Kingdoms- Light Vrs Darkness in this World

19 Examples of Darkness
Familiar- Levi. 20:27
Evil Spirits -Judges 9:27
Lion Spirits- I kings 22:22,  2 Corinthians, 
Hoghesh Spirits- Proverbs -Proverbs 18
Seducing Spirits -1 Timothy
Unclean Spirits-Zachariah 13:2. Matthew 
Dump and Death Spirits -Mark 25
Jealous Spirits-Number 5:2
Evil Spirits-1 John 6
Fear Spirits- -2 Timothy 1:17
Infirmity Spirits -Luke 
Divination Spirits-Acts 16:16
Slumber Spirits-Romans 11:8 
Deep Sleep Spirits-1 Isaiah 29: 10
Heaviness Spirits-Isaiah 61:3
Hooliganism Spirits- Hosea 4:12
Devil Spirits-Rev 16: 14

Examples of Good Spirits
1. Wisdom-Isaiah 11:2, Deuteronomy and Ephesians
2. Understanding-Isaiah 11:2
3.Counsel-Isaiah 11:2
4.Knowledge-Isaiah 11:2
5. Fear of God-Isaiah 11:2
6. Good -Nehemiah 9:20
7. Contrite Spirits -Psalm 34:18
8. Broken Spirits-Psalm 51:18
9. Faithful Spirits -Psalm 
10. Humble- 16:19
11. Excel-Daniel 5:12, Proverbs 17:12
12. Patience-Eccelesiates 7:8
13. Quickly-1 Corinthians 15:45
14. Truth-John 14:17,  John 4:6
15.  Holiness- Romans 4
16, Spirit of Truth-Romans, Romans 8:15
17. Meek -1 Corinthians
18. Faith- 2 Corinthians 21
19. Spirit- Hebrews 10:4
20. Glory-1 Peter 4:14
21. Prophecy
22. Christ- Romans 8:9

1 Corinthians 12:11
Acta 16:16 Spirit of Deviation/Divination
Mark 1:12
Acts 28:30-31
Judges 4:8-9
Ecclesiates 7:8

Prayer Points

1. Desire

